
BEC's managed connectivity service designed to streamline your business's IoT journey

Connectivity as a Service

ConnectNOW! consolidates data, devices, and management into one streamlined service designed to simplify IoT operations.

Global Coverage

Access 300+ carrier networks across 160+ countries with flexible data packages supporting Cat-M1, NB-IoT, LTE, and 5G

Adaptive Hardware

Versatile device bundles to optimize service delivery and efficiency across a broad range of projects

Cloud Management

BECentral® CloudEdge management delivers actionable insights and critical network visibility at the edge

why businesses need it

One single, reliable, and scalable connectivity service

Reduce Complexity

Your single source for global data, hardware, and cloud management to enhance efficiency and avoid managing multiple vendors

Global Reach

Enjoy fast and reliable network connectivity with comprehensive 5G and LTE coverage worldwide

Scalable Solution

Easily scale the connectivity as your business grows. With flexible data packages and adaptive hardware tailored to your needs

Trusted by Global Organizations

special offer

FREE LTE Wi-Fi Router with ConnectNOW!

Sign up for ConnectNOW! and receive a complimentary LTE Wi-Fi Router. Offer valid while supply lasts. Terms and conditions apply.

Intelligent Connectivity

BEC MX-210NP R17-AF LTE Wi-Fi Router – a versatile and feature-rich device with enterprise-grade router functionality.
  • Seamless failover for uninterrupted connectivity, reducing disruptions
  • Strong Wi-Fi featuring HotSpot functionality and a Captive Portal
  • Dual Gigabit Ethernet and Power Over Ethernet for flexible placement
  • Advanced networking: VPN Termination, Dynamic Routing, Load Balancing, QoS, IPV6, and SPI Firewall
  • Ultra-compact for easy deployments and discrete mounting Cloud managed with insights and network visibility at the edge

Ideal Use Cases:

Need help to find the right solution for your business?

If you would like more information, please fill out the form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible!