We evaluated this technology in the past and were always able to make other products fail when we brought them into our lab for excessive stress testing. The biggest appeal of the BEC 2071 for us is, They just work.
The Senior technician from Pioneer
The Customer:
Pioneer is the third-largest Independent Telephone Cooperative in the United States and is recognized as a leader in telecommunications throughout the state of Oklahoma. Diversification has contributed to the success of Pioneer along with its more than 140,000 members and customers throughout western Oklahoma and southern Kansas. Pioneer provides an array of telecommunications services including Local Telephone Service, Wireless Broadband, Digital TV, Cellular, High-Speed Internet, Long Distance, Security Systems, Business Solutions, and Yellow Pages Advertisement.
Pioneer Telephone Cooperative covers a vast majority of northwest Oklahoma with Telephone, Wireless, IPTV and Copper/FTTH Data service. This expansive coverage territory coupled with these high-end services has been a great attribute to Pioneers growth, but can also become a burden to any reasonably sized technical crew. Due to the long truck roll travel distances and complexity of hardwired installs, Pioneer decided to look for alternative methods to the ever common, reliable, yet cumbersome Ethernet-based IPTV installation.
How BEC’s Product Helped:
After looking into a variety of solutions, Pioneer began to evaluate the BEC 2071 Ethernet-Over-Powerline home networking adapters as a potential solution to their IPTV installation burdens. They approached these adapters as a simple and elective way to deploy IPTV and Data service quickly and reliably. After long and intense testing in almost every imaginable scenario, Pioneer decided to use the BEC 2071 Homeplug for the majority of their video installs.
By deploying the 2071 Homeplug AV adapters in the network, Pioneer has increased installation efficiency, capacity, and safety. Increased capacity centers around the greatly decreased installation times per customer site, per technician. Also, with the extreme summer heat in Oklahoma, an attic run Ethernet installation generally requires two-man crews in order to be safe and efficient. Due to these factors, the 2071 Homeplug AV provides a simple and safe installation process that does not require entrance into the customers’ attic, thus expediting single field technician installations. In addition to exponentially increasing the per technician daily installation capability, the BEC 2071 also assists in mitigating risk and providing reliable high capacity Data/IPTV distribution.
A statement from a Pioneer technician explains the benefits provided by the BEC 2071, “We evaluated this technology in the past and were always able to make other products fail when we brought them into our lab for excessive stress testing. The biggest appeal of the BEC 2071 for us is, they just work.”
Talk to Us! See How We Can Help Your Business
If you want to discuss product solutions customized just for your opportunities, please contact us at 972- 422- 0877 | [email protected]