When others failed, BEC provides customer service and support you can count on. The modems are very solid and we experience very few issues.
Ben Glenn, IT Manager
Executive Summary
Custer Telephone was looking for a reliable service to expand their Broadband and Wi-Fi services in the greater Challis community in Idaho. Past devices provided a very limited life span, needing to be rebooted often and often times needing to be replaced due to product not working after power outages. BEC successfully deployed xDSL and LTE products in addition to providing customer service and support Custer Telephone could count on.
The Customer
Custer Telephone Cooperative Inc. is a nonprofit organization based in Idaho, serving the greater Challis community for over 60 years. Custer Telephone offers a variety of internet services within the state of Idaho, including DSL, fiber-to-the-home and fixed wireless.
Custer Telephone was using a product that had a very limited life span and needed to be rebooted often. In addition to this, the greater Challis community suffered from many power outages, which caused a large number of their modems to stop working. Considering they were already using an unreliable and poor quality product with poor customer service from the supplier, Custer Telephone Cooperative decided to make a change and find a more durable device with improved uptime and product support.
How Product Helped
Using BEC devices have enabled Custer Telephone to expand their Broadband and Wi-Fi services, by delivering a myriad of solutions for their xDSL (5200W, 7800TNR2, 8800N, 8920NER2) and LTE (6200WZL, 6800RUL) deployments.
The important part is BEC wanted to get things right and dedicated those hours to make a small customer like myself happy, which they did.
In their experiences with BEC modems, Custer Telephone reported they do not have any more issues that they had with other vendors. According to their IT Manager, Ben Glenn, “the modems are very solid and we experience very few issues.” They replaced fewer modems than before during this transition.
The customized firmware saves them a great amount of time on installation at their subscribers’ homes. They no longer have to program a modem for every install and BEC devices are “good to go off the shelf.” Their technicians’ favorite part about BEC is the devices are easy to set up because they get pre-configured prior to shipment.
Customer service has also played a very pivotal role in the success of Custer Telephone using BEC devices. As Ben stated, “Customer service is a huge difference. I work with the same guys every time. They know my environment and needs.” A perfect example of this is why Custer Telephone chose to use BEC’s fixed indoor and outdoor LTE routers. Initially, the quality of service did not work to their liking, but BEC’s engineers spent weeks working with them to configure the routers to their exact needs and requirements. “The important part is BEC wanted to get things right and dedicated those hours to make a small customer like myself happy, which they did.”
BEC products just work. One less thing I have to worry about as an IT Manager.
For Custer Telephone and many other similar environments, BEC Technologies’ equipment has proven its ability to easily handle the rigors of providing reliable internet services to the unserved and underserved communities. BEC customers expect increased stability and better overall performance, resulting in less maintenance than other products in the industry.
BEC’s CPE offerings have helped Custer Telephone save on truck rolls and time spent on the phone with their customers. Service with great uptime is what makes Custer Telephones’ customers happy. When Ben was asked why he would recommend BEC, he responded with, “BEC products just work. One less thing I have to worry about as an IT Manager.”
Talk to Us! See How We Can Help Your Business
If you want to discuss product solutions customized just for your opportunities, please contact us at 972- 422- 0877 | [email protected]