Establishing smart control of the housing complex heating systems through an easy and cost-effective way
When a customer asks a way to connect 18 boilers across a housing complex, you turn to BEC Technologies for an outdoor Wi-Fi system utilizing Sprint service. Coming together and solving problem with only 4 devices!!
Jake Jehourian, CEO of Advanced Mobile Solution
Executive Summary
The Service Provider: Advanced Mobile Solutions, LLC
The End Customer: Malden Housing Authority, Massachusetts
Product: BEC 4G/LTE 4700AZ outdoor router
Application: LTE Outdoor Wi-Fi Hotspot
Data Connectivity: Sprint 4G/LTE wireless service
Results: The goal has been accomplished by only using 4 connectivity devices, proving to be a cost-effective, quick, and easy deployment. Malden Housing Authority is very satisfied with the results.
The Success Story:
Malden Housing Authority from Massachusetts contracted Advanced Mobile Solutions to accomplish smart control on the heating system in their housing complex. There are 18 different boilers, each located in an individual shed throughout the housing complex.
Instead of using 18 devices to connect each boiler, Advanced Mobile Solutions decided to use BEC’s 4G/LTE 4700AZ, the industry’s first outdoor router with 802.11ac hotspot, along with Sprint wireless service to accomplish the customer’s goal.
In result, Advanced Mobile Solutions deployed 4 BEC 4700AZ outdoor routers in four centrally located sheds. All boilers are connected by the deployed routers through Wi-Fi Hotspot. The goal has been accomplished by only using 4 connectivity devices, proving to be a cost-effective, quick, and easy deployment. Malden Housing Authority is very satisfied with the results.
Talk to Us! See How We Can Help Your Business
If you want to discuss product solutions customized just for your opportunities, please contact us at 972- 422- 0877 | [email protected]